Type Alias ClaimIntegrationPrivateParamsType<T>
ClaimIntegrationPrivateParamsType<T>: T extends "password" ? { password: string; } : T extends "codes" ? { codes: string[]; seedCode: string; } : T extends "whitelist" ? { dataSecret?: string; dynamicDataId?: string; list?: iAddressList; listId?: string; useDynamicStore?: boolean; } : T extends OauthAppName ? { dataSecret?: string; dynamicDataId?: string; ids?: string[]; useDynamicStore?: boolean; usernames?: string[]; } : T extends "webhooks" | "successWebhooks" ? { webhookSecret: string; webhookUrl: string; } : T extends "claimAlerts" ? { message: string; } : Record<string, any>
Private params are params that are not visible to the public. For example, the password for a claim code.