QueryAccountAddressByIDRequest is the request type for AccountAddressByID rpc method

Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46.2

from message cosmos.auth.v1beta1.QueryAccountAddressByIDRequest




accountId: bigint = protoInt64.zero

account_id is the account number of the address to be queried.

Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47

from field: uint64 account_id = 2;

id: bigint = protoInt64.zero

Deprecated, use account_id instead

id is the account number of the address to be queried. This field should have been an uint64 (like all account numbers), and will be updated to uint64 in a future version of the auth query.

from field: int64 id = 1 [deprecated = true];

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.auth.v1beta1.QueryAccountAddressByIDRequest" = "cosmos.auth.v1beta1.QueryAccountAddressByIDRequest"

