FlagOptions are options for flags generated from rpc request fields. By default, all request fields are configured as flags based on the kebab-case name of the field. Fields can be turned into positional arguments instead by using RpcCommandOptions.positional_args.

from message cosmos.autocli.v1.FlagOptions




defaultValue: string = ""

default_value is the default value as text.

from field: string default_value = 4;

deprecated: string = ""

deprecated is the usage text to show if this flag is deprecated.

from field: string deprecated = 6;

hidden: boolean = false

hidden hides the flag from help/usage text

from field: bool hidden = 8;

name: string = ""

name is an alternate name to use for the field flag.

from field: string name = 1;

noOptDefaultValue: string = ""

default value is the default value as text if the flag is used without any value.

from field: string no_opt_default_value = 5;

shorthand: string = ""

shorthand is a one-letter abbreviated flag.

from field: string shorthand = 2;

shorthandDeprecated: string = ""

shorthand_deprecated is the usage text to show if the shorthand of this flag is deprecated.

from field: string shorthand_deprecated = 7;

usage: string = ""

usage is the help message.

from field: string usage = 3;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.autocli.v1.FlagOptions" = "cosmos.autocli.v1.FlagOptions"

