Interface PluginVersionConfigPayload

interface PluginVersionConfigPayload {
    claimCreatorRedirect?: {
        toolUri?: string;
        tutorialUri?: string;
    customDetailsDisplay?: string;
    duplicatesAllowed: boolean;
    finalized: boolean;
    ignoreSimulations?: boolean;
    privateParamsSchema?: JsonBodyInputSchema[];
    publicParamsSchema?: JsonBodyInputSchema[];
    receiveStatusWebhook: boolean;
    requireSignIn?: boolean;
    requiresUserInputs: boolean;
    reuseForNonIndexed: boolean;
    skipProcessingWebhook?: boolean;
    stateFunctionPreset: PluginPresetType;
    userInputRedirect?: {
        baseUri: string;
    userInputsSchema?: JsonBodyInputSchema[];
    verificationCall?: {
        hardcodedInputs: JsonBodyInputWithValue[];
            | "POST"
            | "GET"
            | "PUT"
            | "DELETE";
        passAddress?: boolean;
        passDiscord?: boolean;
        passEmail?: boolean;
        passFarcaster?: boolean;
        passGithub?: boolean;
        passGoogle?: boolean;
        passReddit?: boolean;
        passSlack?: boolean;
        passStrava?: boolean;
        passTelegram?: boolean;
        passTwitch?: boolean;
        passTwitter?: boolean;
        postProcessingJs: string;
        uri: string;


claimCreatorRedirect?: {
    toolUri?: string;
    tutorialUri?: string;
customDetailsDisplay?: string

Custom details display for the plugin. Use {{publicParamKey}} to dynamically display the values of public parameters.

duplicatesAllowed: boolean

Whether it makes sense for multiple of this plugin to be allowed

finalized: boolean


ignoreSimulations?: boolean

Ignore simulations?

privateParamsSchema?: JsonBodyInputSchema[]
publicParamsSchema?: JsonBodyInputSchema[]
receiveStatusWebhook: boolean

Whether the plugin should receive status webhooks

requireSignIn?: boolean

Require BitBadges sign-in to use the plugin?

requiresUserInputs: boolean

This is a flag for being compatible with auto-triggered claims, meaning no user interaction is needed.

reuseForNonIndexed: boolean

Reuse for non-indexed?

skipProcessingWebhook?: boolean

Whether the plugin should skip processing webhooks. We will just auto-treat it as successful.

stateFunctionPreset: PluginPresetType

Preset type for how the plugin state is to be maintained.

userInputRedirect?: {
    baseUri: string;
userInputsSchema?: JsonBodyInputSchema[]
verificationCall?: {
    hardcodedInputs: JsonBodyInputWithValue[];
        | "POST"
        | "GET"
        | "PUT"
        | "DELETE";
    passAddress?: boolean;
    passDiscord?: boolean;
    passEmail?: boolean;
    passFarcaster?: boolean;
    passGithub?: boolean;
    passGoogle?: boolean;
    passReddit?: boolean;
    passSlack?: boolean;
    passStrava?: boolean;
    passTelegram?: boolean;
    passTwitch?: boolean;
    passTwitter?: boolean;
    postProcessingJs: string;
    uri: string;

The verification URL
