ValidatorHistoricalRewards represents historical rewards for a validator. Height is implicit within the store key. Cumulative reward ratio is the sum from the zeroeth period until this period of rewards / tokens, per the spec. The reference count indicates the number of objects which might need to reference this historical entry at any point. ReferenceCount = number of outstanding delegations which ended the associated period (and might need to read that record)

  • number of slashes which ended the associated period (and might need to read that record)
  • one per validator for the zeroeth period, set on initialization

from message cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.ValidatorHistoricalRewards




cumulativeRewardRatio: DecCoin[] = []

from field: repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.DecCoin cumulative_reward_ratio = 1;

referenceCount: number = 0

from field: uint32 reference_count = 2;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.ValidatorHistoricalRewards" = "cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.ValidatorHistoricalRewards"

