MsgEditValidator defines a SDK message for editing an existing validator.

from message cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator




commissionRate: string = ""

We pass a reference to the new commission rate and min self delegation as it's not mandatory to update. If not updated, the deserialized rate will be zero with no way to distinguish if an update was intended. REF: #2373

from field: string commission_rate = 3;

description?: Description

from field: cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Description description = 1;

minSelfDelegation: string = ""

from field: string min_self_delegation = 4;

validatorAddress: string = ""

from field: string validator_address = 2;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator" = "cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator"

