ApprovalAmounts defines approval amounts per unique "from," "to," and/or "initiated by" address. If any of these are nil or "0", we assume unlimited approvals. If they are set to a value, then the running tally of the amounts transferred for the specified badge IDs and ownership times must not exceed the corresponding value.

from message badges.ApprovalAmounts




amountTrackerId: string = ""

The ID of the amount tracker associated with this approval. We use this ID to track the number of transfers and amounts transferred.

from field: string amountTrackerId = 6;

overallApprovalAmount: string = ""

Overall approval amount.

from field: string overallApprovalAmount = 1;

perFromAddressApprovalAmount: string = ""

Approval amount per "from" address.

from field: string perFromAddressApprovalAmount = 3;

perInitiatedByAddressApprovalAmount: string = ""

Approval amount per "initiated by" address.

from field: string perInitiatedByAddressApprovalAmount = 4;

perToAddressApprovalAmount: string = ""

Approval amount per "to" address.

from field: string perToAddressApprovalAmount = 2;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "badges.ApprovalAmounts" = "badges.ApprovalAmounts"

