Range specifies the arguments to a range query.

from message cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest.Range




end: IndexValue[] = []

end specifies the inclusive ending index values for the range query. It is valid to provide fewer values than the number of fields in the index.

from field: repeated cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.IndexValue end = 2;

start: IndexValue[] = []

start specifies the starting index values for the range query. It is valid to provide fewer values than the number of fields in the index.

from field: repeated cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.IndexValue start = 1;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest.Range" = "cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest.Range"

