from message badges.MsgNewCollection




addressLists: proto.badges.AddressList[] = []

from field: repeated badges.AddressList addressLists = 14;

badgeMetadataTimeline: proto.badges.BadgeMetadataTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.BadgeMetadataTimeline badgeMetadataTimeline = 3;

badgesToCreate: proto.badges.Balance[] = []

Badge supplys and amounts to create. For each idx, we create amounts[idx] badges each with a supply of supplys[idx]. If supply[idx] == 0, we assume default supply. amountsToCreate[idx] can't equal 0.

from field: repeated badges.Balance badgesToCreate = 11;

balancesType: string = ""

from field: string balancesType = 6;

collectionApprovals: proto.badges.CollectionApproval[] = []

from field: repeated badges.CollectionApproval collectionApprovals = 8;

collectionMetadataTimeline: proto.badges.CollectionMetadataTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.CollectionMetadataTimeline collectionMetadataTimeline = 2;

contractAddressTimeline: ContractAddressTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.ContractAddressTimeline contractAddressTimeline = 13;

creator: string = ""

See collections.proto for more details about these MsgNewBadge fields. Defines the badge details. Leave unneeded fields empty.

from field: string creator = 1;

customDataTimeline: proto.badges.CustomDataTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.CustomDataTimeline customDataTimeline = 5;

defaultBalances: proto.badges.Balance[] = []

The default balances for the user

from field: repeated badges.Balance defaultBalances = 18;

defaultDisapproveSelfInitiated: boolean = false

from field: bool defaultDisapproveSelfInitiated = 17;

defaultIncomingApprovals: proto.badges.UserIncomingApproval[] = []

The user's approved incoming transfers for each badge ID.

from field: repeated badges.UserIncomingApproval defaultIncomingApprovals = 16;

defaultOutgoingApprovals: proto.badges.UserOutgoingApproval[] = []

The user's approved transfers for each badge ID.

from field: repeated badges.UserOutgoingApproval defaultOutgoingApprovals = 15;

offChainBalancesMetadataTimeline: proto.badges.OffChainBalancesMetadataTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.OffChainBalancesMetadataTimeline offChainBalancesMetadataTimeline = 4;

from field: badges.CollectionPermissions permissions = 9;

standardsTimeline: proto.badges.StandardsTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.StandardsTimeline standardsTimeline = 10;

transfers: proto.badges.Transfer[] = []

from field: repeated badges.Transfer transfers = 12;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "badges.MsgNewCollection" = "badges.MsgNewCollection"

