SignDocDirectAux is the type used for generating sign bytes for SIGN_MODE_DIRECT_AUX.

Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46

from message cosmos.tx.v1beta1.SignDocDirectAux




accountNumber: bigint =

account_number is the account number of the account in state.

from field: uint64 account_number = 4;

bodyBytes: Uint8Array = ...

body_bytes is protobuf serialization of a TxBody that matches the representation in TxRaw.

from field: bytes body_bytes = 1;

chainId: string = ""

chain_id is the identifier of the chain this transaction targets. It prevents signed transactions from being used on another chain by an attacker.

from field: string chain_id = 3;

publicKey?: Any

public_key is the public key of the signing account.

from field: google.protobuf.Any public_key = 2;

sequence: bigint =

sequence is the sequence number of the signing account.

from field: uint64 sequence = 5;

tip?: Tip

Tip is the optional tip used for transactions fees paid in another denom. It should be left empty if the signer is not the tipper for this transaction.

This field is ignored if the chain didn't enable tips, i.e. didn't add the TipDecorator in its posthandler.

from field: cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tip tip = 6;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.tx.v1beta1.SignDocDirectAux" = "cosmos.tx.v1beta1.SignDocDirectAux"

