This handles both minting more of existing badges and creating new badges.

from message badges.MsgMintAndDistributeBadges




addressLists: proto.badges.AddressList[] = []

from field: repeated badges.AddressList addressLists = 10;

badgeMetadataTimeline: proto.badges.BadgeMetadataTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.BadgeMetadataTimeline badgeMetadataTimeline = 7;

badgesToCreate: proto.badges.Balance[] = []

from field: repeated badges.Balance badgesToCreate = 3;

collectionApprovals: proto.badges.CollectionApproval[] = []

from field: repeated badges.CollectionApproval collectionApprovals = 9;

collectionId: string = ""

from field: string collectionId = 2;

collectionMetadataTimeline: proto.badges.CollectionMetadataTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.CollectionMetadataTimeline collectionMetadataTimeline = 6;

creator: string = ""

from field: string creator = 1;

offChainBalancesMetadataTimeline: proto.badges.OffChainBalancesMetadataTimeline[] = []

from field: repeated badges.OffChainBalancesMetadataTimeline offChainBalancesMetadataTimeline = 8;

transfers: proto.badges.Transfer[] = []

from field: repeated badges.Transfer transfers = 4;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "badges.MsgMintAndDistributeBadges" = "badges.MsgMintAndDistributeBadges"

