PeriodicAllowance extends Allowance to allow for both a maximum cap, as well as a limit per time period.

from message cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance




basic specifies a struct of BasicAllowance

from field: cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance basic = 1;

period?: Duration

period specifies the time duration in which period_spend_limit coins can be spent before that allowance is reset

from field: google.protobuf.Duration period = 2;

periodCanSpend: Coin[] = []

period_can_spend is the number of coins left to be spent before the period_reset time

from field: repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin period_can_spend = 4;

periodReset?: Timestamp

period_reset is the time at which this period resets and a new one begins, it is calculated from the start time of the first transaction after the last period ended

from field: google.protobuf.Timestamp period_reset = 5;

periodSpendLimit: Coin[] = []

period_spend_limit specifies the maximum number of coins that can be spent in the period

from field: repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin period_spend_limit = 3;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance" = "cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance"

