Class Transfer<T>

Transfer is used to represent a transfer of badges. This is compatible with the MsgTransferBadges message.

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)




balances: BalanceArray<T>

The balances to transfer.

from: string

The address to transfer from.

memo?: string

Arbitrary memo for the transfer.

merkleProofs?: MerkleProof[]

The merkle proofs that satisfy the mkerkle challenges in the approvals. If the transfer deducts from multiple approvals, we check all the merkle proofs and assert at least one is valid for every challenge.

onlyCheckPrioritizedCollectionApprovals?: boolean

Whether or not to only check the prioritized approvals. If false, we will check all approvals with any prioritized first.

This only applies to the "collection" level approvals specified.

onlyCheckPrioritizedIncomingApprovals?: boolean

Whether or not to only check the prioritized approvals. If false, we will check all approvals with any prioritized first.

This only applies to the "incoming" level approvals specified.

onlyCheckPrioritizedOutgoingApprovals?: boolean

Whether or not to only check the prioritized approvals. If false, we will check all approvals with any prioritized first.

This only applies to the "outgoing" level approvals specified.

precalculateBalancesFromApproval?: ApprovalIdentifierDetails

If specified, we will precalculate from this approval and override the balances. This can only be used when the specified approval has predeterminedBalances set.

prioritizedApprovals?: ApprovalIdentifierDetails[]

The prioritized approvals to use for the transfer. If specified, we will check these first.

toAddresses: string[]

The addresses to transfer to.

zkProofSolutions?: ZkProofSolution[]

The zk proof solutions for approvals.


  • Compares this object's fields to another object's fields for equality. Equality is determined by comparing the JSON representations of the objects.

    If normalizeNumberTypes is true, then all number types will be compared as strings (i.e. "1n" === "1" === 1). Else, they will be compared as their native types (i.e. 1n !== 1 !== "1").

    Type Parameters


    • other: undefined | null | CustomType<U>
    • OptionalnormalizeNumberTypes: boolean

    Returns boolean
