AuxSignerData is the intermediary format that an auxiliary signer (e.g. a tipper) builds and sends to the fee payer (who will build and broadcast the actual tx). AuxSignerData is not a valid tx in itself, and will be rejected by the node if sent directly as-is.

Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46

from message cosmos.tx.v1beta1.AuxSignerData




address: string = ""

address is the bech32-encoded address of the auxiliary signer. If using AuxSignerData across different chains, the bech32 prefix of the target chain (where the final transaction is broadcasted) should be used.

from field: string address = 1;

mode: SignMode = SignMode.UNSPECIFIED

mode is the signing mode of the single signer.

from field: cosmos.tx.signing.v1beta1.SignMode mode = 3;

sig: Uint8Array = ...

sig is the signature of the sign doc.

from field: bytes sig = 4;

sign_doc is the SIGN_MODE_DIRECT_AUX sign doc that the auxiliary signer signs. Note: we use the same sign doc even if we're signing with LEGACY_AMINO_JSON.

from field: cosmos.tx.v1beta1.SignDocDirectAux sign_doc = 2;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.tx.v1beta1.AuxSignerData" = "cosmos.tx.v1beta1.AuxSignerData"

