ServiceCommandDescriptor describes a CLI command based on a protobuf service.

from message cosmos.autocli.v1.ServiceCommandDescriptor




rpcCommandOptions: RpcCommandOptions[] = []

rpc_command_options are options for commands generated from rpc methods. If no options are specified for a given rpc method on the service, a command will be generated for that method with the default options.

from field: repeated cosmos.autocli.v1.RpcCommandOptions rpc_command_options = 2;

service: string = ""

service is the fully qualified name of the protobuf service to build the command from. It can be left empty if sub_commands are used instead which may be the case if a module provides multiple tx and/or query services.

from field: string service = 1;

subCommands: {
    [key: string]: ServiceCommandDescriptor;
} = {}

sub_commands is a map of optional sub-commands for this command based on different protobuf services. The map key is used as the name of the sub-command.

from field: map<string, cosmos.autocli.v1.ServiceCommandDescriptor> sub_commands = 3;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.autocli.v1.ServiceCommandDescriptor" = "cosmos.autocli.v1.ServiceCommandDescriptor"

