Interface iMsgUpdateUserApprovals<T>

interface iMsgUpdateUserApprovals<T> {
    autoApproveSelfInitiatedIncomingTransfers?: boolean;
    autoApproveSelfInitiatedOutgoingTransfers?: boolean;
    collectionId: T;
    creator: string;
    incomingApprovals?: iUserIncomingApproval<T>[];
    outgoingApprovals?: iUserOutgoingApproval<T>[];
    updateAutoApproveSelfInitiatedIncomingTransfers?: boolean;
    updateAutoApproveSelfInitiatedOutgoingTransfers?: boolean;
    updateIncomingApprovals?: boolean;
    updateOutgoingApprovals?: boolean;
    updateUserPermissions?: boolean;
    userPermissions?: iUserPermissions<T>;

Type Parameters

Implemented by


autoApproveSelfInitiatedIncomingTransfers?: boolean

The new auto approve self initiated incoming transfers. Must have the necessary permissions to update.

autoApproveSelfInitiatedOutgoingTransfers?: boolean

The new auto approve self initiated outgoing transfers. Must have the necessary permissions to update.

collectionId: T

The ID of the collection to transfer badges from.

creator: string

The creator of the transaction.

incomingApprovals?: iUserIncomingApproval<T>[]

The new incoming approvals. Must have the necessary permissions to update.

outgoingApprovals?: iUserOutgoingApproval<T>[]

The new outgoing approvals. Must have the necessary permissions to update.

updateAutoApproveSelfInitiatedIncomingTransfers?: boolean

Whether or not to update the auto approve self initiated incoming transfers (i.e. to == the user and initiator == the user).

updateAutoApproveSelfInitiatedOutgoingTransfers?: boolean

Whether or not to update the auto approve self initiated outgoing transfers (i.e. from == the user and initiator == the user).

updateIncomingApprovals?: boolean

Whether or not to update the incoming approvals.

updateOutgoingApprovals?: boolean

Whether or not to update the outgoing approvals.

updateUserPermissions?: boolean

Whether or not to update the user permissions.

userPermissions?: iUserPermissions<T>

The new user permissions. Must have the necessary permissions to update.