Interface iUserOutgoingApprovalPermissionWithDetails<T>

interface iUserOutgoingApprovalPermissionWithDetails<T> {
    approvalId: string;
    badgeIds: iUintRange<T>[];
    initiatedByList: iAddressList;
    initiatedByListId: string;
    ownershipTimes: iUintRange<T>[];
    permanentlyForbiddenTimes: iUintRange<T>[];
    permanentlyPermittedTimes: iUintRange<T>[];
    toList: iAddressList;
    toListId: string;
    transferTimes: iUintRange<T>[];

Type Parameters

Implemented by


approvalId: string

The approval ID of the approved transfers. Can use "All" to represent all IDs, "!approvalId" to represent all IDs except approvalId, or "approvalId" to represent only approvalId.

badgeIds: iUintRange<T>[]

The badge IDs of the approved transfers.

initiatedByList: iAddressList
initiatedByListId: string

The list ID of the initiatedBy addresses of the approved transfers.

ownershipTimes: iUintRange<T>[]

The owned times of the approved transfers.

permanentlyForbiddenTimes: iUintRange<T>[]

The forbidden times of this permission.

permanentlyPermittedTimes: iUintRange<T>[]

The permitted times of this permission.

toList: iAddressList
toListId: string

The list ID of the to addresses of the approved transfers.

transferTimes: iUintRange<T>[]

The transfer times of the approved transfers.
