Class OffChainBalancesMetadata

OffChainBalancesMetadata represents the metadata of the off-chain balances

Hierarchy (view full)


Implemented by



customData: string
uri: string


  • Type Parameters


    Returns CustomType<any>

    This function is unnecessary as this field has no numeric types. Please use the .clone() method instead.

  • Compares this object's fields to another object's fields for equality. Equality is determined by comparing the JSON representations of the objects.

    If normalizeNumberTypes is true, then all number types will be compared as strings (i.e. "1n" === "1" === 1). Else, they will be compared as their native types (i.e. 1n !== 1 !== "1").

    Type Parameters


    • other: undefined | null | CustomType<U>
    • OptionalnormalizeNumberTypes: boolean

    Returns boolean

  • Internal helper method to convert the number fields of the object to a different NumberType equivalent.

    Returns string[]

  • Checks if the object has number fields.

    Returns boolean

  • Converts the object to a JSON object with all primitive types.

    Returns JsonObject

  • Converts the object to a JSON string.

    Returns string
