Interface iUserPermissionsWithDetails<T>

Type Parameters

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canUpdateAutoApproveSelfInitiatedIncomingTransfers: iActionPermission<T>[]

The permissions for updating auto-approving self-initiated incoming transfers. If auto-approve is enabled, then the user will be approved by default for all incoming transfers that are self-initiated.

canUpdateAutoApproveSelfInitiatedOutgoingTransfers: iActionPermission<T>[]

The permissions for updating auto-approving self-initiated outgoing transfers. If auto-approve is enabled, then the user will be approved by default for all outgoing transfers that are self-initiated.

canUpdateIncomingApprovals: iUserIncomingApprovalPermissionWithDetails<T>[]

The list of permissions for updating approved incoming transfers.

canUpdateOutgoingApprovals: iUserOutgoingApprovalPermissionWithDetails<T>[]

The list of permissions for updating approved outgoing transfers.