Balance represents the balance of a badge for a specific user. The user amounts xAmount of a badge for the badgeID specified for the time ranges specified.

Example: User A owns x10 of badge IDs 1-10 from 1/1/2020 to 1/1/2021.

If times or badgeIDs have len > 1, then the user owns all badge IDs specified for all time ranges specified.

from message badges.Balance




amount: string = ""

The amount of the badge owned by the user.

from field: string amount = 1;

badgeIds: proto.badges.UintRange[] = []

The badge IDs for which the user owns the badge.

from field: repeated badges.UintRange badgeIds = 3;

ownershipTimes: proto.badges.UintRange[] = []

The time ranges during which the user owns the badge.

from field: repeated badges.UintRange ownershipTimes = 2;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "badges.Balance" = "badges.Balance"

