EvidenceParams determine how we handle evidence of malfeasance.

from message tendermint.types.EvidenceParams




maxAgeDuration?: Duration

Max age of evidence, in time.

It should correspond with an app's "unbonding period" or other similar mechanism for handling Nothing-At-Stake attacks.

from field: google.protobuf.Duration max_age_duration = 2;

maxAgeNumBlocks: bigint = protoInt64.zero

Max age of evidence, in blocks.

The basic formula for calculating this is: MaxAgeDuration / {average block time}.

from field: int64 max_age_num_blocks = 1;

maxBytes: bigint = protoInt64.zero

This sets the maximum size of total evidence in bytes that can be committed in a single block. and should fall comfortably under the max block bytes. Default is 1048576 or 1MB

from field: int64 max_bytes = 3;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "tendermint.types.EvidenceParams" = "tendermint.types.EvidenceParams"

