MsgSubmitProposal is the Msg/SubmitProposal request type.

from message




exec: Exec = Exec.UNSPECIFIED

exec defines the mode of execution of the proposal, whether it should be executed immediately on creation or not. If so, proposers signatures are considered as Yes votes.

from field: exec = 5;

groupPolicyAddress: string = ""

group_policy_address is the account address of group policy.

from field: string group_policy_address = 1;

messages: Any[] = []

messages is a list of sdk.Msgs that will be executed if the proposal passes.

from field: repeated google.protobuf.Any messages = 4;

metadata: string = ""

metadata is any arbitrary metadata attached to the proposal.

from field: string metadata = 3;

proposers: string[] = []

proposers are the account addresses of the proposers. Proposers signatures will be counted as yes votes.

from field: repeated string proposers = 2;

summary: string = ""

summary is the summary of the proposal.

Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47

from field: string summary = 7;

title: string = ""

title is the title of the proposal.

Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47

from field: string title = 6;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "" = ""

