Interface TransactionPayload

A transaction payload is the payload for a given transaction context and messages. This contains the messages that need to be signed for different chains.

For Ethereum, the payload is in EIP-712 format, so the payload.eipToSign is the payload to sign. For Cosmos, the payload can be signed in Amino or Sign Direct format, so the payload.signDirect and payload.legacyAmino are the payloads to sign. For Solana amnd Bitcoin, the payload is in JSON format, so the payload.jsonToSign is the payload to sign.

interface TransactionPayload {
    legacyAmino: {
        authInfo: AuthInfo;
        body: TxBody;
        signBytes: string;
    signDirect: {
        authInfo: AuthInfo;
        body: TxBody;
        signBytes: string;
    txnJson: Record<string, any>;
    txnString: string;


legacyAmino: {
    authInfo: AuthInfo;
    body: TxBody;
    signBytes: string;
signDirect: {
    authInfo: AuthInfo;
    body: TxBody;
    signBytes: string;
txnJson: Record<string, any>
txnString: string