customCustom details display for the plugin. Use {{publicParamKey}} to dynamically display the values of public parameters.
Example: "This plugin checks for a minimum of {{publicBalanceParam}} balance."
Whether it makes sense for multiple of this plugin to be allowed
True if the version is finalized
ignoreIgnore simulations?
The time the version was last updated
Whether the plugin should receive status webhooks
requireRequire BitBadges sign-in to use the plugin? This will ensure that any addresss received is actually verified by BitBadges. Otherwise, the address will be the claimee's address but it could be manually entered (if configuration allows).
We recommend keeping this false to allow for non-indexed support and also be more flexible for the claim creator's implementation.
This means that the plugin can be used w/o any session cookies or authentication.
This is a flag for being compatible with auto-triggered claims, meaning no user interaction is needed.
Reuse for nonindexed balances? Only applicable if is stateless, requires no user inputs, and requires no sessions.
skipWhether the plugin should skip processing webhooks. We will just auto-treat it as successful.
Preset type for how the plugin state is to be maintained.
verificationThe verification URL
Version of the plugin
Deep copies the object and returns a new instance.
Converts the object to a different NumberType equivalent.
options: ConvertOptionsCompares this object's fields to another object's fields for equality. Equality is determined by comparing the JSON representations of the objects.
If normalizeNumberTypes
is true, then all number types will be compared as strings (i.e. "1n" === "1" === 1). Else, they will be compared as their native types (i.e. 1n !== 1 !== "1").
normalizeNumberTypes: boolean
The time the version was created