Record is used for representing a key in the keyring.

from message cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record




    | {
        case: "local";
        value: Record_Local;
    | {
        case: "ledger";
        value: Record_Ledger;
    | {
        case: "multi";
        value: Record_Multi;
    | {
        case: "offline";
        value: Record_Offline;
    | {
        case: undefined;
        value?: undefined;
    } = ...

Record contains one of the following items

Type declaration

  • case: "local"
  • value: Record_Local

    local stores the private key locally.

    from field: cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record.Local local = 3;

Type declaration

  • case: "ledger"
  • value: Record_Ledger

    ledger stores the information about a Ledger key.

    from field: cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record.Ledger ledger = 4;

Type declaration

  • case: "multi"
  • value: Record_Multi

    Multi does not store any other information.

    from field: cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record.Multi multi = 5;

Type declaration

  • case: "offline"
  • value: Record_Offline

    Offline does not store any other information.

    from field: cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record.Offline offline = 6;

from oneof cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record.item

name: string = ""

name represents a name of Record

from field: string name = 1;

pubKey?: Any

pub_key represents a public key in any format

from field: google.protobuf.Any pub_key = 2;

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record" = "cosmos.crypto.keyring.v1.Record"

