Class ClaimReward<T>

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)




automatic?: boolean

If true, the reward is automatically given to the user upon completion. No in-site logic is required.

calculationMethod?: {
    alwaysShow?: boolean;
    minClaimSuccesses?: number;

Calculation method to use for the gated content. This is used to determine who is shown the gated content.

By default, we check min 1 claim success for indexed claims and criteria met for non-indexed claims.

gatedContent: iClaimGatedContent

The gated content to display upon completion.

instanceId: string

The instance ID of the reward

metadata?: {
    description: string;
    image: string;
    name: string;

Metadata for the reward. This is public-facing, so do not include any gated content here. By default, we use the associated rewardId.

rewardId: string

The ID of the reward (either a pre-configured one or "custom")


  • Compares this object's fields to another object's fields for equality. Equality is determined by comparing the JSON representations of the objects.

    If normalizeNumberTypes is true, then all number types will be compared as strings (i.e. "1n" === "1" === 1). Else, they will be compared as their native types (i.e. 1n !== 1 !== "1").

    Type Parameters


    • other: undefined | null | CustomType<U>
    • OptionalnormalizeNumberTypes: boolean

    Returns boolean
