Class SIWBBRequestDoc<T>

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)




_docId: string

A unique stringified document ID

_id?: string

A unique document ID (Mongo DB ObjectID)

address: string

The native address of the signer

attestationsPresentations: AttestationsProof<T>[]

If required, you can additionally attach proof of attestations ot the auth flow. These can be used to prove sensitive information to verifiers.

bitbadgesAddress: string

The BitBadges address of the signer

The native chain for the user

clientId: string

The client ID of the app that requested the signature

code: string

The actual code itself

createdAt: T

The timestamp of when the signature was created (milliseconds since epoch)

deletedAt?: T

If deleted, we still store temporarily for a period of time. We use a deletedAt timestamp to determine when to delete.

description?: string
expiresAt: T
image?: string
name?: string
otherSignIns?: {
    discord?: {
        discriminator?: string;
        id: string;
        username: string;
    github?: {
        id: string;
        username: string;
    google?: {
        id: string;
        username: string;
    twitch?: {
        id: string;
        username: string;
    twitter?: {
        id: string;
        username: string;

Other approved sign-ins at the time of this sign-in

redirectUri?: string

The redirect URI of the app


  • Compares this object's fields to another object's fields for equality. Equality is determined by comparing the JSON representations of the objects.

    If normalizeNumberTypes is true, then all number types will be compared as strings (i.e. "1n" === "1" === 1). Else, they will be compared as their native types (i.e. 1n !== 1 !== "1").

    Type Parameters


    • other: undefined | null | CustomType<U>
    • OptionalnormalizeNumberTypes: boolean

    Returns boolean
