ListRequest is the Query/List request type.

from message cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest




index: string = ""

index is the index fields expression used in orm definitions. If it is empty, the table's primary key is assumed.

from field: string index = 2;

messageName: string = ""

message_name is the fully-qualified message name of the ORM table being queried.

from field: string message_name = 1;

pagination?: PageRequest

pagination is the pagination request.

from field: cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 5;

query: {
    case: "prefix";
    value: ListRequest_Prefix;
} | {
    case: "range";
    value: ListRequest_Range;
} | {
    case: undefined;
    value?: undefined;
} = ...

query is the query expression corresponding to the provided index. If neither prefix nor range is specified, the query will list all the fields in the index.

Type declaration

  • case: "prefix"
  • value: ListRequest_Prefix

    prefix defines a prefix query.

    from field: cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest.Prefix prefix = 3;

Type declaration

  • case: "range"
  • value: ListRequest_Range

    range defines a range query.

    from field: cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest.Range range = 4;

from oneof cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest.query

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest" = "cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.ListRequest"

