IndexValue represents the value of a field in an ORM index expression.

from message cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.IndexValue




    | {
        case: "uint";
        value: bigint;
    | {
        case: "int";
        value: bigint;
    | {
        case: "str";
        value: string;
    | {
        case: "bytes";
        value: Uint8Array;
    | {
        case: "enum";
        value: string;
    | {
        case: "bool";
        value: boolean;
    | {
        case: "timestamp";
        value: Timestamp;
    | {
        case: "duration";
        value: Duration;
    | {
        case: undefined;
        value?: undefined;
    } = ...

value specifies the index value

Type declaration

  • case: "uint"
  • value: bigint

    uint specifies a value for an uint32, fixed32, uint64, or fixed64 index field.

    from field: uint64 uint = 1;

Type declaration

  • case: "int"
  • value: bigint

    int64 specifies a value for an int32, sfixed32, int64, or sfixed64 index field.

    from field: int64 int = 2;

Type declaration

  • case: "str"
  • value: string

    str specifies a value for a string index field.

    from field: string str = 3;

Type declaration

  • case: "bytes"
  • value: Uint8Array

    bytes specifies a value for a bytes index field.

    from field: bytes bytes = 4;

Type declaration

  • case: "enum"
  • value: string

    enum specifies a value for an enum index field.

    from field: string enum = 5;

Type declaration

  • case: "bool"
  • value: boolean

    bool specifies a value for a bool index field.

    from field: bool bool = 6;

Type declaration

  • case: "timestamp"
  • value: Timestamp

    timestamp specifies a value for a timestamp index field.

    from field: google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 7;

Type declaration

  • case: "duration"
  • value: Duration

    duration specifies a value for a duration index field.

    from field: google.protobuf.Duration duration = 8;

from oneof cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.IndexValue.value

fields: FieldList = ...
runtime: ProtoRuntime = proto3
typeName: "cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.IndexValue" = "cosmos.orm.query.v1alpha1.IndexValue"

