Interface iClaimBuilderDoc<T>

interface iClaimBuilderDoc<T> {
    _docId: string;
    _id?: string;
    action: {
        balancesToSet?: iPredeterminedBalances<T>;
        listId?: string;
        seedCode?: string;
        siwbbClaim?: boolean;
    approach?: string;
    assignMethod?: string;
    categories?: string[];
    cid: string;
    collectionId: T;
    createdAt: T;
    createdBy: string;
    deletedAt?: T;
    docClaimed: boolean;
    estimatedCost?: string;
    estimatedTime?: string;
    lastUpdated: T;
    manualDistribution?: boolean;
    metadata?: iMetadata<T>;
    pluginIds?: string[];
    plugins: IntegrationPluginParams<string>[];
    rewards?: iClaimReward<T>[];
    satisfyMethod?: iSatisfyMethod;
    showInSearchResults?: boolean;
    state: {
        [pluginId: string]: any;
    testOnly?: boolean;
    trackerDetails?: iChallengeTrackerIdDetails<T>;
    version: T;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Doc
    • iClaimBuilderDoc

Implemented by


_docId: string

A unique stringified document ID

_id?: string

A unique document ID (Mongo DB ObjectID)

action: {
    balancesToSet?: iPredeterminedBalances<T>;
    listId?: string;
    seedCode?: string;
    siwbbClaim?: boolean;

Details for the action to perform if the criteria is correct

approach?: string

If the claim has been designated to be completed automatically for users.

assignMethod?: string

Algorithm to determine the claaim number indices

categories?: string[]

The categories of the claim

cid: string

The CID (content ID) of the document. This is used behind the scenes to handle off-chain vs on-chain data races.

collectionId: T

The collection ID of the document

createdAt: T
createdBy: string

The BitBadges address of the user who created this password

deletedAt?: T

Deleted at timestamp

docClaimed: boolean

True if the document is claimed by the collection

estimatedCost?: string

Estimated cost for the user

estimatedTime?: string

Estimated time to satisfy the claim's requirements

lastUpdated: T
manualDistribution?: boolean

If true, the claim codes are to be distributed manually. This doc will only be used for storage purposes.

metadata?: iMetadata<T>

Metadata for the claim

pluginIds?: string[]

For query purposes, the plugin IDs

plugins: IntegrationPluginParams<string>[]

Dynamic checks to run in the form of plugins

rewards?: iClaimReward<T>[]

Rewards to be shown upon a successful claim. If you need further gating, you can do this in two-steps.

satisfyMethod?: iSatisfyMethod

Custom success logic. If not provided, we will default to AND logic with all plugins.

showInSearchResults?: boolean

If true, the claim will be shown in search results

state: {
    [pluginId: string]: any;

The current state of each plugin

testOnly?: boolean
trackerDetails?: iChallengeTrackerIdDetails<T>

Which challenge tracker is it tied to

version: T