
Because you can create a badge for anything, there are infinitely many possible use cases for BitBadges!

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Potential Use Cases

Because you can create a badge for anything, there are infinitely many possible use cases for BitBadges!

Potential Use Cases

  • Verification Badges -Accounts can give out verification badges and you can chooose which person/entity to get your verification ticks from.
  • Memberships/Subscriptions/Access Tokens - Badges have optional start and end dates, so you can offer a limited time membership for anything from a gym membership to a Spotify subscription. Proof of ownership is easily done through our public API.
  • Premium Content - Any creator who wishes to offer premium content can do so through badges.
  • Recognition of Achievement or Completion - Job certifications, awards, athletic accomplishments, etc.
  • Peer to Peer University - Professors can offer their courses directly peer to peer with any method of their choosing and offer a certificate of completion badge. This way, teachers can finally get the compensation they deserve as they can directly benefit from the monetization of various blockchain technologies.
  • University Diplomas - Universities can offer diplomas to students as a badge.
  • Publications - Verify you are the author of a publication
  • Real Estate - Custom encrypted title ownership, HOAs, and even MLS documents registered through the blockchain
  • Smart contracts may eventually be used to issue badges which eliminates the need for trust between a creator and an individual.