API Documentation

Here you will find information about the BitBadges API and the various get/post methods. Message us if you have any questions/concerns.

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This is for BitBadges 1.0 which utilizes BitClout. BitBadges 2.0’s release will be independent and truly decentralized, therefore 1.0’s API version is more depreciated (but still active).


GET Get User
Gets all user’s data

Request Params:
id string User's BitClout public key (no usernames, please first convert using BitClout’s API)


200 (OK):

    badgesIssued: [string],
    badgesReceived: [string],
    badgesListed: [string],
    badgesAccepted: [string],
    badgesPending: [string],
    issuedCollections: [string],
    receivedCollections: [string]


GET Get Badge
Gets badge data for a specific badge ID
Request Params: id string Badge ID

200 (OK):

    attributes: string, //valid JSON object string; not currently implemented
    backgroundColor: string, //Valid HTML color name or hex string
    category: string, //not currently implemented
    collectionId: string, //not currently implemented
    dateCreated: Number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    description: string,
    externalUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
    id: string, //IPFS hash
    imageUrl: string, //please use permanent image storage solutions; badges are permanent
    isVisible: boolean, //currently always set to true
    issuer: string, //BitClout public key
    issuerChain: string, //$CLOUT only for now
    recipients: string array, //BitClout public key
    recipientsChains: string array, //["$CLOUT", ...] only for now
    title: string, 
    validDateEnd: Number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    validDateStart: Number, //number of miliseconds since UNIX epoch
    validDates: boolean //true if badge has start/end dates, false if valid forever

POST Get Badges
Gets badge data for all badge IDs specified
Request Body:
badgeIds string[] Array of badge ids to get

200 (OK):

    badges: [
        attributes: string, //valid JSON object string; not currently implemented
        backgroundColor: string, //Valid HTML color name or hex string
        category: string, //not currently implemented
        collectionId: string, //not currently implemented
        dateCreated: Number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
        description: string,
        externalUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
        id: string, //IPFS hash
        imageUrl: string, //please use permanent image storage solutions; badges are permanent
        isVisible: boolean, //currently always set to true
        issuer: string, //BitClout public key
        issuerChain: string, //$CLOUT only for now
        recipients: string array, //BitClout public key
        recipientsChains: string array, //["$CLOUT", ...] only for now
        title: string, 
        validDateEnd: Number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
        validDateStart: Number, //number of miliseconds since UNIX epoch
        validDates: boolean //true if badge has start/end dates, false if valid forever

GET Get All Badges
All badge hashes are posted on the @BitBadgesHash account, so please interact w/ the BitClout backend API to see the full list of hashes.

Note: All badges are permanent and won’t change, so consider caching or storing them locally instead of adding stress to our API and database.

POST Create Badge
Creates a badge by uploading data to IPFS, adding the hash id to respective user’s badgesIssued and badgesPending array in our database, and posts hash to @BitBadgesHash. First 25 recipients are free. After that it costs 0.005 $CLOUT per recipient (subject to change).

IMPORTANT: The recipients array must be valid public keys, no usernames should be entered here. This method does not a) check for if a public key exists or b) convert usernames to public key. Every element in the recipients array will be treated as a valid public key and badges will be issued to each one.

Also, note that badges are PERMANENT once issued. They can never be changed or edited. For URLs, take this into consideration and use URLs that will never change locations.

Request Body:

    title: string Badge title, // Required. Must not be empty.
    validDateEnd: number, // Required if validDates is true, number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    validDateStart: number, // Required if validDates is true, number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    validDates: boolean, // true if badge is to have start/end dates; false if badge is valid forever
    description: string, // Required but can be an empty string.
    backgroundColor: string, // Required but can be an empty string. Must be a valid HTML color name or hex value ('#FFFFFF' or 'red'). Defaults to black.
    externalUrl: string, // Required but can be an empty string. Must be in valid URL format.
    imageUrl: string, // Required but can be an empty string. Defaults to sample badge image
    recipients: array, // Public keys of recipients. IMPORTANT: No check for if they are valid or not. Please do that beforehand
    issuer: string, // Required. Public key of one issuing the badge. Should match publickey field.
    jwt: string, // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey
    publickey: string, // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k
    signedTransactionHex: string, // Signed transaction hex
    // Required if twenty six or more recipients. Signed transaction hex of a send bitclout transaction from BitClout Identity that is sending at least 0.005         $CLOUT per recipient starting with the 26th one to the @BitBadges account on BitClout. See /getFeeTxn for more details on how to do this. Note: Hex must be       already signed when inputted. For details on how to get it signed, visit the BitClout Identity API docs. We strongly recommend against using access level 4       for your app. 
    amountNanos: number // Number of nanos in the transaction
    // Required if twenty six or more recipients. Number of nanos in the transaction specified by the signedTransactionHex; 10^9 nanos equals one $CLOUT


200 (OK):

    attributes: string, //valid JSON object string; not currently implemented
    backgroundColor: string, //Valid HTML color name or hex string
    category: string, //not currently implemented
    collectionId: string, //not currently implemented
    dateCreated: Number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    description: string,
    externalUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
    id: string, //IPFS hash
    imageUrl: string, //please use permanent image storage solutions; badges are permanent
    isVisible: boolean, //currently always set to true
    issuer: string, //BitClout public key
    issuerChain: string, //$CLOUT only for now
    recipients: string array, //BitClout public key
    recipientsChains: string array, //["$CLOUT", ...] only for now
    title: string, 
    validDateEnd: Number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    validDateStart: Number, //number of miliseconds since UNIX epoch
    validDates: boolean //true if badge has start/end dates, false if valid forever

GET Get Fee Transaction

Creates a “send-bitclout” transaction using the BitClout backend API with the minimum amount of $CLOUT transferred to @BitBadges in order to issue the badge with specified number of recipients. Current pricing is 0.005 $CLOUT starting with the 26th recipient. First twenty five are free. If numRecipients is less than twenty five, it will still create a transaction that sends 0 $CLOUT to @BitBadges. All pricing listed above does not include network fees.

Once you obtain TransactionHex from this transaction, you must get it signed using BitClout Identity before you input it into the create badge method. For details on how to get it signed, visit the BitClout Identity API docs. We strongly recommend against using access level 4 for your app.

Note that this is not needed for badges with under twenty five recipients.

Request Params:

    senderKey: string, // public key of account that is sending the $CLOUT to @BitBadges
    numRecipients: string // number of recipients of badge to be issued


200 (OK):

    TransactionHex: string, //hex of the txn sending $CLOUT to @BitBadges
    amountNanos: string, //number of nanos being spent in the transaction

POST Accept Badge
Accepts a badges from your pending and moves it t your accepted badges

Request Body:

    badgeId: string, // Badge Id to accept
    jwt: string, // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey
    publickey: string // public key of issuer; note the lowercase k


200 (OK):

  general: string; //success message

POST Decline Badge
Declines a badge from your pending badges

Request Body:

    badgeId: string, // Badge Id to decline
    jwt: string, // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey
    publickey: string // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k


200 (OK):

  general: string; //success message

POST Remove Badge From Issued (hides it from Being Shown on Issued)
Removes the badge from your badgesIssued array and moves it to a new array called badgesRemovedFromIssued
Badge can’t be removed from blockchain but now shouldn’t be displayed next to your profiles on frontends like CloutFeed.
Once you remove this, there is no way currently to unremove it.

Request Body:

    badgeId: string, // Badge Id to remove
    jwt: string, // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey
    publickey: string // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k


200 (OK):

  general: string; //success message

POST Remove Badge From Accepted (Hide from Being Shown on Received)
Removes a badge from your badgesAccepted array. Badge is still on blockchain but shouldn’t be displayed next to your profiles on frontends like CloutFeed.
Once you remove this, there is no way currently to unremove it.

Request Body:

    badgeId: string, // Badge Id to remove from accepted
    jwt: string, // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey
    publickey: string // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k


200 (OK):

  general: string; //success message

Listed Badges (Ads)

GET Get Listed Badge
Gets a listed badge according to a specified ID. Listed badges are advertisements showing off what badges you are offering.
Request Params: id string Listed Badge ID

200 (OK):

    backgroundColor: string, //Valid HTML color name or hex string
    category: string, //is blank for now, not implemented yet
    dateCreated: number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    description: string, 
    externalUrl: string,//must be in valid URL format
    id: string, //hash of id in our DB
    imageUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
    issuer: string, //BitClout public key
    title: string,
    preReqs: string, //how to obtain the badge
    validity: string //explain how long the badge lasts

POST Create a Listed Badge
Creates a listed badge. Listed badges are advertisements showing off what badges you are offering.

Request Body:

    backgroundColor: string, // Required but can be an empty string. Must be a valid HTML color name or hex value ('#FFFFFF' or 'red'). Defaults to black.
    description: string, // Required but can be an empty string.
    externalUrl: string, // Required but can be an empty string. Must be in valid URL format.
    imageUrl: string, // Required but can be an empty string. Defaults to sample badge image
    issuer: string, // Required. BitClout public key. Should match publickey field
    title: string, // Badge title. Required. Must not be empty.
    preReqs: string, // Explain what it takes to earn the badge
    validity: string, // Explain how long the badge lasts
    publickey: string // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k
    jwt: string // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey


200 (OK):

    backgroundColor: string, //Valid HTML color name or hex string
    category: string, //is blank for now, not implemented yet
    dateCreated: number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    description: string, 
    externalUrl: string,//must be in valid URL format
    id: string, //hash of id in our DB
    imageUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
    issuer: string, //BitClout public key
    title: string,
    preReqs: string, //how to obtain the badge
    validity: string //explain how long the badge lasts

GET Get All User Listed Badges
Gets all listed badges a user is offering. Listed badges are advertisements showing off what badges you are offering.
Request Params:
userId string User's BitClout Public Key

200 (OK):

  badgePages: [
        backgroundColor: string, //Valid HTML color name or hex string
        category: string, //is blank for now, not implemented yet
        dateCreated: number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
        description: string, 
        externalUrl: string,//must be in valid URL format
        id: string, //hash of id in our DB
        imageUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
        issuer: string, //BitClout public key
        title: string,
        preReqs: string, //how to obtain the badge
        validity: string //explain how long the badge lasts

DELETE Delete Listed Badge for Offer
Deletes a listed badge (removes it from being offered)
Request Body:

    id: string, // ID of listed badge to be deleted
    publickey: string, // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k
    jwt: string // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey


200 (OK):

  general: 'Success message';


GET Get Collection
Gets all details about a specified collection.
Request Params:

    userId: string, // User Public Key
    name: string // Collection name you wish to get


200 (OK):

    backgroundColor: string, //valid HTML color names
    badges: string array, //ids of badges on the given page, must be valid badges
    dateCreated: number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    description: string,
    imageUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
    isVisible: boolean, //always true for now
    issuers: string array, //public keys array of all issuers of badges in collection
    name: string, //title
    receivedColelction: boolean, //true if made up of received badges, false if issued badges
    recipients: string array //public keys array of all recipients of the badges in collection

GET Get All Collections for a User
Gets all details about all collections for a specified user.
Request Params:
userId string User Public Key

200 (OK):

  collections: [
        backgroundColor: string, //valid HTML color names
        badges: string array, //ids of badges on the given page, must be valid badges
        dateCreated: number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
        description: string,
        imageUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
        isVisible: boolean, //always true for now
        issuers: string array, //public keys array of all issuers of badges in collection
        name: string, //title
        receivedColelction: boolean, //true if made up of received badges, false if issued badges
        recipients: string array //public keys array of all recipients of the badges in collection

POST Create Collection
Creates a collection for a user. If receivedCollection is true, it is a collection made up of received badges. If not, it is a collection of issued badges instead. Name must be unique from other collections a user creates.
Request Body:

   description: string, // Required. Description of current page. Can be empty
   badges: string[], // String array with all badge ids to showcase on the profile page; must be valid badges
   name: string, // Required. Must be unique from other collections for a user
   receivedCollection: boolean // Required. true if you would like to create a collection from your received badges, false for issued badges
   imageUrl: string, // Required but can be an empty string. Defaults to sample badge image
   jwt: string, // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey
   publickey: string // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k


200 (OK):

    backgroundColor: string, //valid HTML color names
    badges: string array, //ids of badges on the given page, must be valid badges
    dateCreated: number, //number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch
    description: string,
    imageUrl: string, //must be in valid URL format
    isVisible: boolean, //always true for now
    issuers: string array, //public keys array of all issuers of badges in collection
    name: string, //title
    receivedColelction: boolean, //true if made up of received badges, false if issued badges
    recipients: string array //public keys array of all recipients of the badges in collection

DELETE Delete Collection
Deletes a collection for a user.
Request Body:

    name: string, // name of collection to be deleted
    publickey: string, // Public key of issuer; note the lowercase k
    jwt: string // jwt token obtained from BitClout identity that corresponds with publickey


200 (OK):

  general: 'Success message';